
Hello, my name is Juan J. Roberts and welcome to one of my blogs where I will be speaking about making credits on wot mainly, but also about general stuff concerning the World of Tanks game, tutorials for beginners, for advanced users, even tips and tricks that are unknown to many of the wot players.

I am a freelancer at the moment and trying to make money on my own, but I can’t go only to the money direction, therefore I will also make content that fulfill my desire rather my pocket. I am a big fan of World of Tanks, happily I will have more time to play it and post about it than I had before as I finished this year my studies.

My studies are not related in any way to games or internet marketing business, but I am young enough to try and experiment new things to see what is best for me. This will help me be more active and to diversify my knowledge in different kinds of subjects, which I hope it will bring me satisfaction in the future, not only material satisfaction, but also spiritual satisfaction.